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Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 20:20:00 -0500
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From: (J. David Johnson)
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re: Inverse Kinematics
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
Status: RO
>I am creating a robot model that is roughly humanoid in shape that I would
>like to use IK with but I've never used IK. Is it hard to set up?
>Does anyone have an IK skeleton set up for a humanoid form? and if so
>would I be able to use it with my robot.
>Don Drennan
>SOS Productions
>753 Harmon Ave.
>Columbus, OH 43223
Hi Don.
I'm David Johnson and I live in Newark, OH.
I work for Cox CableRep and have a video production company on the side.
(On the side for now anyway, I plan to soon go fulltime)
Anywho, inverse kinematics is really pretty easy to setup, altho you can't
load a
"saved" skeleton for IK. (or anything for that matter)
You don't need bones if your robot is made of multiple objects...
Head, torso, upper arm, lower arm, hand, etc.
Simply parent from body out... Upper Arm to torso, lower arm to upper arm, etc.
Have a null object for each "mover" one for each arm, leg, etc. this will be
put at the tip of the hand (or center) this is the "aiming point" like the
rear sight on a rifle. Altho not seen it acts as a pivot point
for your hand without affecting the wrist pivot point. (hand parented to null)
Then you need anohter null for each "mover". This is the target. Whereever
this point goes, the handnull points toward, the hand must move to keep
parented to handnull... the upperarm must rotate and move to
stay parented to hand etc.
You also need to set limits (in IK panel) for each parented object. Your arm
cannot rotate more than
X degrees.
To test it.. simply start with three oblong boxes, and two nulls. you 'll